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Friday, February 4, 2022

CHALLENGE #2 2022 MAIN POST: Let Love Bloom

❤️ Happy February Creative Friends ❤️
Today we kick off the first of our 2 creativities for February๐ŸŽ‰
Our Hop+Challenges are now separate parties with our Challenge starting today and then our 4th annual Gothic Valentine Blog Hop begins as usual on February 13 for four dark and twisty days as we explore the dark side of love so do come and join us this month๐ŸŽ‰
๐ŸŽ‰ Now for our 2nd CHALLENGE of 2022 ๐ŸŽ‰
LeighSBDesigns now hosts monthly Challenges with a new one posted on the first Friday of each month!  Prizes are based on participation so the more you play the better the prizes so please help spread the word and tell all your crafty friends to come and join the fun!

Challenge #2 is all about the sweeter lighter side of romance but you're welcome to go darker if you wish so here we go, come and play in

Challenge #2 - Let Love Bloom
Feb 4-25, 2022
Enter your romance themed makes in the Challenge linky below by February 25th midnight pacific!
The challenge is open to interpretation...think love, Valentine, hearts, blossoms to get your muse going!  Please follow the Rules to participate and qualify for the prizes that are based on participation so the more you play the better the prizes! 

  • Enter the monthly Challenges using LeighSBDesigns Digi Stamps or SVG Cutz to win the LeighSBDesigns Challenge Prize
  • Winner invited to be a Guest Designer
  • Please follow the rules explained below
  • Enter using any stamp company products to win a Top 3 badge plus a generous discount code to spend at LeighSBDesigns Art Stamps Boutique
  • Winners invited to be a Guest Designer
  • Please follow the rules explained below 


  • LeighSBDesigns Challenges are monthly with a new one posted on the first Friday of each month!
  • Challenges will be themed plus an occasional Anything Goes.  
  • You can make anything you want:  paper crafts, mixed media, rubber or digi stamping, cute or creepy...whatever makes your muse happy is welcome! 
  • Your make must be inspired in some way by the current challenge theme.
  • Our Challenges are open to everyone using any company products with the main prize for those who use LeighSBDesigns Digi Stamps or SVG Cutz.
  • Prizes are based on participation so the more you play the better the prizes so please help spread the word and tell all your crafty friends to come and join the fun!
  • Include the Challenge details and Challenge badge in your post and link back to this main post
  • There's no limit on entries or how many other challenges you combine with ours!
  • Challenge entries must be new and posted on or after the Challenge start date - no back linking!
  • After linking up please leave a comment on the Challenge main post coz we do love hearing from you! 
  • Link to your actual posts! 
  • You're welcome to play in any of our current Blog Hops too but your entries must be different if the themes are similar! 
  • Don't have a blog, no prob!  You can share from Flickr, Instagram, YouTube etc. 
  • Problems linking up? Leave a comment below explaining your issue with the link to your make.
  • Social media shares please use hashtag #LeighSBDesignsChallenge2LetLoveBloom
  • You must be a follower of LeighSBDesigns Inspiration Blog to play!
  • It would also be awesome if you'd follow us on Instagram, Pinterest, subscribe to our YouTube channel and join our social media groups on Facebook and MeWe - comment below to let us know where you are following us!
 Mark your calendars for Feb 13-16!
 Get dark and twisty with us for our 5th annual Gothic Valentine Blog Hop
Happy Creating!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Fun challenge theme this month!

    1. Thanks for joining in Tee your cards and tags are alway beautiful!

  2. Let’s get the second challenge of the year going with lots of love ,blooms and fun! I hear Romeo Balleigh Monster calling for his sweet and sassy Juliet Balleigh Monster! Hark! I am off to let them out of the desk drawer so their love can prevail! And super YaY for Gothic Valentine Blog Hop!

    1. Nan, Romeo is going to be so happy to see Juliet ♥️

  3. Looking forward to the Gothic Valentine Hop but will join in the Challenge #2 too...


Thank you for visiting and leaving us some love, your comments are always most appreciated!
Happy Stamping!
Leigh S-B