Loveleigh Kitties in Wonderland
New Release!

Adopt all the Loveleigh Kitties!
Poe inspired Digi Stamp release!

December's Special Release Digi Stamp!
Festive Felines 2024 Christmas Release!

Friday, September 30, 2022


Happy October Creative Friends!
It's CRAFTober time and we've got lots of SPOOKtivities lined up for you this month🎃
Our new Challenge for October starts today, one whole week early so you've got the whole month to scare yourself silly with creepy cuteness, and tomorrow begins our most anticipated 12th annual 31 Days of Halloween Blog Hop that you can join in on at any time throughout the month as a Wicked Maker or just enjoy the show by hopping along with us!  There's lots of Wicked Sponsors lined up to hand out faBOOlous Prize Candy so you really don't want to miss out on the fun!
So join us for a magical month of SPOOKtivities!
Now for our October Challenge!
Challenge #10
Sept 30 - Oct 28
 Normally our monthly challenges begin on the first Friday of every month but we do so LOVE Halloween here at LeighSBDesigns so I just had to give you all an extra week to craft up a spooky good time this month and start our new Challenge today instead🎃

"Too Cute to Spook!" is the Halloween theme for this month's Challenge!  
We challenge you to create whatever you want using cute or creepy cute Halloween imagery using any stamp company products following the Challenge Rules below!

You are welcome to play in both the monthly Challenge and the 31 Days of Halloween Blog Hop but your entries into each must be different to qualify for the prizes.
Link up your Cute/Creepy Cute Halloween makes in the Challenge #10 linky party below by October 28 midnight pacific!  Details and Challenge Rules are below and also posted on our Challenge Page, please read everything over before linking up! 

LeighSBDesigns is also proud to be sponsoring the Most Magical Time of the Year Challenges for their big launch this month where you can celebrate 365 Days of Halloween and Christmas all year long!
How wickedly awesome is that!!!

Our monthly Challenges start on the first Friday of every month!  Prizes are based on participation so the more you play the better the prizes so please do help spread the word and tell all your crafty friends to come and join the fun!
Please read over the rules before linking up!  
  • Enter the monthly Challenges using LeighSBDesigns Digi Stamps or SVG Cutz to win the LeighSBDesigns Surprise Challenge Prize
  • Winner invited to be a Guest Designer
  • Please follow the rules explained below
  • Enter using any stamp company products to win a Top Spot or Top 3 badge plus a generous discount code to spend at LeighSBDesigns Digi Stamps and SVG Cutz
  • Winners invited to be a Guest Designer
  • Please follow the rules explained below 


  • LeighSBDesigns Challenges are monthly with a new theme posted on the first Friday of each month! 
  • Please follow LeighSBDesigns Inspiration Blog to play!
  • Our Challenges are themed with an occasional Anything Goes.  
  • You can make anything you want following the current theme:  paper crafts, mixed media, rubber or digi stamping...whatever makes your muse happy is welcome! 
  • Our Challenges are open to everyone using any company products with the main prize for those who use LeighSBDesigns Digi Stamps or SVG Cutz.
  • Include the Challenge details and Challenge badge in your post and link back to this main post
  • Prizes are based on participation so the more you play the better the prizes so tell all your crafty friends to come and join the fun! 
  • There's no limit on entries or how many other challenges you combine with ours!
  • Challenge entries must be new and posted on or after the Challenge start date - no back linking!
  • After linking up please leave a comment on the Challenge main post because we do love hearing from you! 
  • Link to your actual project posts using a permalink! 
  • You're welcome to play in any of our current Blog Hops too but your entries must be different if the themes are similar! 
  • Don't have a blog, no prob!  You can share from Flickr, Instagram, YouTube etc. 
  • Problems linking up? Leave a comment below explaining your issue and include the link to your make.
  • Social media shares please use hashtag #LeighSBDesignsChallenge10TooCuteToSpook
  • It would be awesome if you'd follow us on Instagram, Pinterest, subscribe to our YouTube channel and join our social media groups on Facebook and MeWe - let us know where you are following us when you leave your comment below😀
 Happy Creating!


  1. Love the theme and could hardly wait to get this posted! Halloween excitement is in the mist! FaBOOlous badge for the challenge, too!

  2. Love the wickedly cute badge and fun challenge theme this month!

  3. Finally managing to get back to your challenges Leigh - Hope to join in more in the future...

  4. My first entry into your challenges. How fun!

  5. Fun challenges and a lot of Halloween inspiration.


Thank you for visiting and leaving us some love, your comments are always most appreciated!
Happy Stamping!
Leigh S-B