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Monday, February 24, 2014

"REDRUM" Smeared Ink Design Team Blog Hop #2

Howzit Everyone!
Today is our 2nd Smeared Ink Design Team "one day" blog hop!  So sit back and enjoy the awesome art created by my fabulous teamies!

For this hop I came up with the theme REDRUM!
Perfectly fitting for our Bloody Valentine February don't you think ;0)

Of course you all know that REDRUM is from Stephen King's "The Shining".  I'm a huge King fan and love the book and the movie was damn scary so I created this digi piece using the Twins from Smeared Ink's Toxic Ballerinas and the background is an altered photo I took of the eerie corridor on the Star Princess cruise ship in December last year!  I just LOVE that it looks just like those creepy corridors in the movies that stretch on forever!  I even changed the cabin number on the wall that you can just see behind the left ballerina to #217 and added the blood dripping down the walls!  I included the word REDRUM and the reflection MURDER and made the text look like they're on fire!  I love how it all turned out, it's so scary!  All my digi colouring and image manipulation was done in Photoshop CS6.

Closer look at the coloured toxic ballerinas
Now hop on over and see what my SI teamies picked as their favourite images :0)

 photo SIMonthlyBlogHopButtonOctopus_zps8932e2f8.jpg
Black Dragon
Leigh - You're here

Happy Stamping!
I design for Smeared Ink * Lost Coast Designs * About Art Accents


  1. Super creeeeepy! Great use of the twins and love how the digi just melds/drips into the real pic. Fab, fab, fab!! Huge SK fan also and just an amazing piece.

  2. this is awesome! great idea with the digi and twins ;) I just love how everything in this has come together..the drips, the phrase, all of it! great work my friend!

  3. This is beyond awesome!!!! I love that the corridor is from a picture you took yourself. And it totally looks like the corridor in the movie. The twin ballerinas works so well and the dripping blood makes the whole thing creepy as hell!!! You rock it, Leigh. I love it.

  4. This is marvelous Leigh. I love you altered cruise ship photo eeekkk beautiful beautiful work.
    susan s

  5. Totally awesome piece. I love your blending of the images. Glad was not on that cruise! Vee xx

  6. ACK !!! Mind-blowingly AWESOME in the extreme !!! What more can I say !!? Marvelous xoxox

  7. OMFG! Your digi work blows me away! I am in complete awe! Now I really want to learn my big girl CS6. Can you teach me or recommend tutorials for dummies? Brilliant piece!!! You are the Digital Queen as well as the Sharpie Domino Queen. Is there anything you cannot do? You rock!

  8. I'm a huge King fan myself and this is beyond fabulous, Leigh! Love your digi work and the choice is stamps is stellar. xxD

  9. Hello, I am entering the blog hop and actually making you a favorite so that I can come back and enjoy more of your crafty goodness. Really love your site!

  10. This is my first visit to your blog but won't be my last. I'm loving it.

  11. While I'd normally pick almost anything with a cat image as a favourite, i loved your combination of feather stamps on the Inky bird card.


Thank you for visiting and leaving us some love, your comments are always most appreciated!
Happy Stamping!
Leigh S-B