Loveleigh Kitties in Wonderland
New Release!

Adopt all the Loveleigh Kitties!
Poe inspired Digi Stamp release!

December's Special Release Digi Stamp!
Festive Felines 2024 Christmas Release!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Faerie Cat Domino Ornaments at Third Coast Rubber Stamps!

Hello Stampers!
My Faerie Cat Domino ornaments are currently being featured over at 
Third Coast Rubber Stamps!

You can view them on their website, on their blog Facebook page!

You'll also find the tutorials for my Faerie Cat Domino ornaments here

I'd love to hear what you think so please feel free to asks questions and leave me your comments!
Thanks for stopping by!

Leigh S-B

Monday, August 30, 2010

Stamping Supplies & Product Reviews - DecoColor Paint Pens

Hello Stampers!

As well as sharing my Creative Adventures with you all I will also have Stamping supplies and related product news and reviews to share with you too.  My first bit of news to share isn't very good I'm afraid if you're a fan of DecoColor paint pens and do your shopping at Michaels!

For months now I've been waiting for my local Michaels to get stock in, especially the metallics.  When I asked about their stock situation and if they're discontinuing them all they could tell me was they receive new stock every week.  Well I wasn't convinced so I sent Marvy Uchida an email asking for info but haven't heard anything from them either. But the other day I visited a different Michaels and all the DecoColors had clearance stickers and a sales person confirmed they are discontinuing them :-(  So I managed to get my hands on a few colours but sadly not a single metallic in sight. 

So if you normally buy your DecoColors from Michaels I suggest you stock up on what you can before we have to resort to online ordering in the future :-(  I can't remember if Office Depot/Staples sells the metallics. I know they've got them online but will have to check my local store.  Dick Blick has pretty good prices but I just hate the shipping charges, especially if you just need to order one pen!

Well that's all I've got to share on that subject for now so until next time.....

Happy Stamping!
Leigh S-B

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fairy Domino Butterflies
Standing Ornaments
For the August Make & Share on DominoART I challenged my members to create projects based on the poem 'To A Butterfly' by William Wordsworth.   I love fairies and immediately knew I wanted to design double domino Fairy Butterfly ornaments and was inspired by About Art Accents Masked Fairy Girls rubber stamps!
Check out my Design Team Creations page for a mini tutorial on how I made the blue Fairy Butterfly.  Latest tutorials appear at the bottom of the page.  I will also share a mini tutorial on the green Fairy Butterfly soon too!
Thanks for stopping by!
Leigh S-B
The Sharpie Domino Queen