Loveleigh Kitties in Wonderland
New Release!

Adopt all the Loveleigh Kitties!
Poe inspired Digi Stamp release!

December's Special Release Digi Stamp!
Festive Felines 2024 Christmas Release!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jingle in July Christmas Tree Ornament

Hello Stampers!
I challenged members of my DominoART Yahoo Group to celebrate Christmas in July by creating DominoART with a Christmas or Winter theme.  
I designed a three-sided domino ornament for my Jingle in July project titled "Images of Winter".  I'm really pleased with how this turned out and I hope I will inspire you all to try your hand at creating some DominoART for your Christmas tree this year!  You'll find the tutorial and materials list for "Images of Winter" on my Leigh's Altered World of Game Pieces page.

Happy Stamping!
Leigh S-B

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pocket Fairy Field Journal Tutorial

Hello Stampers!

I'm very excited to be designing for About Art Accents and I've just had the pleasure of creating a project using AAA Fairies from their ATC Fairy Plate # 144

Pocket Fairy Field Journal

This project is perfect for Fairy Watchers & designed specifically for you to be able to keep your Fairy Field Journal with you at all times because you never know when you might spot a Flower Fairy and need to jot down some important notes!  I'm thrilled with the old-world charm of the finished project and the magical vintage quality of each Fairy Note Card!

Please pop on over to my new page called Design Team Creations for Project Photos and a tutorial on how to make my Pocket Fairy Field Journal!

I hope you'll enjoy reading my tutorial and please feel free to leave me your comments.  I haven't figured out yet how to or even if I can have a comments box on a Page so you're welcome to leave your comments at the bottom of this post ;-)


Leigh S-B 
The Sharpie Domino Queen

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Page - My Altered World of Game Pieces!

Hello Stampers!

I've just created a new page called Leigh's Altered World of Game Pieces and it is listed on the top menu bar.

This page is dedicated to my Creative Adventures involving Game Pieces from dominoes to playing cards!  I will share mini tutorials and also detailed step-by-step directions for my various Game Piece related creations so watch this space for unique and innovative projects ;-)

First up I've added a mini tutorial on how I went about designing the Oriental Trinket Box that won 1st place in the recent Blockheads contest!  

I hope you'll enjoy following me on my Creative Adventures and please feel free to add your comments!

Happy Stamping!

Leigh S-B

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I won 2 out 3 categories in the Blockheads Contest!

Hello Stampers!

I'm doing the dance of joy today coz I won 2 out of the 3 categories in the Blockheads Paper Arts contest ;-)  Woohoo!!  Thank you so much to Stacey for hosting the contest!

My Oriental Trinket Box took 1st place in the 3D Altered Objects category and my Serenity card snapped up 1st place in the Cards category.  I was up against some gorgeous artwork so I'm really thrilled ;-)

I had 2 entries in each category and I will upload and share them with you all over the next week or so.

In the meanwhile here's the photos of my 2 winning entries ;-)

Oriental Trinket Box


Thanks for stopping by!
Leigh S-B

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Page - Domino Sources!

Hello Stampers!

I've just finished creating a new page "Domino Sources" with tons of links to all my favourite traditional dominoes, unconventional dominoes, other game tiles as well as an assortment of really cool playing cards!  All of these are perfect for altering and adding to your altered art!  Check the page often to see what new and fun games I've found to alter ;-)
Leigh S-B

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What I've Been Up To Lately!

Hey Everyone!  

I've been MIA for the last month or so and need to catch up on all my DominoART message reading.  So will be replying and commenting on a ton of posts over the next 2 days I'm sure ;-)

Anyway I just wanted to let you know about what I've been up to and share some advice that I just learnt the hard way!  I've been designing a lot of cards recently and have some that I'm really pleased with to share with you all.  I've also got some Domino related creations to share too but I've decided to submit my most recent artwork for publication so won't be able to share that one with you just yet I'm afraid.  But I promise to start uploading some eye candy over the next few days!

Last week I decided to enter the contest being held over at Blockheads website and have been busy designing a couple of entries.  Wednesday was the deadline to get them all submitted and early yesterday morning I was up and doing just that.  During my first submission upload I realized I didn't know the name of the Blockheads stamp I'd used so went off to get the name only to discover I couldn't find the stamp any where on the site!

Shock! Horror!  I discovered that some of the Blockheads stamps I'd used weren't on the site anymore and therefore no doubt discontinued.  I realized with dismay that that probably meant I've designed my creations with stamps that probably don't qualify for the contest - ear splitting scream!!!!

After some email discussion with Stacey of Blockheads I knew which ones were disqualified and literally spent one day re-creating my submissions that I'd spent about 5 days working on and got them all uploaded last night!  Phew, that was one whirlwind of a crafting session, LOL!

THEN...wait for it.....just after that I checked my email and discovered an announcement from Blockheads that the contest deadline had been extended until Friday - aaaaarrrrggghhhhh!

So the moral of my story is - make sure the stamps you're using for a contest
are still available BEFORE you start working on your submissions ;-)

So Stacey is busy still uploading my entries but one has shown up in the ATC section already.  I hope you'll all pop on over to the Blockheads website when it's time to vote and hopefully you'll like some of my creations enough to head some votes my way ;-)  You have to be a member of the Blockheads newsletter to be able to vote so you'll know when voting starts coz it will be in the newsletter!

Now I've got to go and tidy up my studio, it looks exactly like a whirlwind hit it yesterday, LOL!

Happy Stamping!
Leigh S-B