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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Smeared and Smudged "Decorate An Egg" Members Blog Hop!

Howzit Everyone!
Welcome to the April SMEARED AND SMUDGED members blog hop!

The Smeared and Smudged Facebook group welcomes all kinds of art work, especially the themes that other groups and challenges frown upon but don't be afraid, we are a friendly bunch of artists and crafters who just embrace the alternative and dark and twisty side of stamping and crafting.

For this members blog hop Smeared and Smudged challenged us to DECORATE AN EGG and yes, it had to be a REAL egg.  We were encouraged to use our imagination, step out of our comfort zones and dare to be different, get inky and painty and get supremely messy and most of all, have fun! 
 The only S&S rule, as usual, is that it had to be stamped somewhere (digi stamps are fine).  It's a smaller hop this month but I'm sure you're still going to be blown away by the quirky creativity!

Below is the full blog roll, please visit everyone on the list and leave some love!
April Member Blog Hop
Leigh - U R Here!
Leslie Rahye
Susan R.

Now, as I mentioned above, we at Smeared and Smudged embrace the alternative so I'm warning you that this might be a touchy subject for some and I'm sorry if my project offends or upsets anyone!  My altered egg is a sculptural statement piece about the appalling conditions and the cruelty that poor chickens endure in way too many egg farms.  I don't buy eggs often but only get free range eggs when I do and I encourage everyone to do the same or go vegetarian!

"Ode to A Chicken"

I'm afraid that my project didn't quite work out the way I intended it to.  It's been a while since I decorated an egg and I couldn't quite get my stamping of the skeleton bird image as clear as I wanted it and therefore didn't achieve the overall look I was going for.  But I think it still depicts how fragile the chicken is (and all animals) and the fractured image mirrors the fragility of the egg and how easily life can be harmed by mankind.

I started off by punching holes in the top and the bottom of the egg and blowing out the contents into a bowl which hubby later used for an omelet.  The entire egg was painted with 3 coats of white gesso and I roll stamped the Smeared Ink Skellie bird image from the Letterbox Backgrounds January 2015 rubber set (middle left image) onto the egg with Jet Black StazOn ink.  I then coloured it with various Prismacolor pencils, sealed it with Krylon Artists Workable Fixative and covered the punched top hole with a bead adhered with Inkssentials Matte Accents.  The egg was then adhered to a real chicken wish bone with E6000 adhesive.

Thanks for hopping with us today!  You're next stop is Nan, I'm sure she has a less depressing project to share with you!

Happy Stamping!
I design for Smeared Ink * Lost Coast Designs * Altered Eclectic Challenges *About Art Accents


  1. Leigh,
    I do understand too well about the cruelty of chickens. I am glad that you buy "Free Range." I have chickens in my back yard for eggs, they are pampered and spoiled chickens, they get petted and held.
    I love your egg anyways, artistically speaking you rocked it, and l do love the real bone addition!

    1. Thank you KristyLee! I love that you have your own chickens to love and pamper and honour for the gift of their eggs!

  2. This is awesome, Leigh! How in the world did you stamp so well rolling it? I can't stamp well on a flat surface ;( The bead on top is perfect! Love, love, love this and that chicken bone...Perfect!!! Hugs~Nan

    1. Thank you Nan! Roll stamping is no small feat believe you me, this is one of 2 eggs and the one was atrocious and will be getting another coat of gesso for a re-try;0)

  3. I'm trying to be serious as I know you're taking a stand...but it tickles me that with Smeared Ink peeps you have to warn them! {{hugs}} I appreciate your project and I totally see the fragility of the egg and the chickie and man's simple cruelty. Well played and executed. [pardon the unintentional puns] I love the wishbone base that you have devised for your egg!

    1. Thank you Leslierahye!! warning is for my none Smeared & Smudged readers heheheheheh!

  4. This is strangely beautiful. I totally agree with the concept of this and think you did an amazing job conveying the message. Love the deep blue colour and the wishbone stand is inspirational x

  5. This is AWESOME Leigh !!!! I totally agree with you. I have chickens in my garden and they have just started laying eggs again. I only breed a UK breed called Light Sussex. They are happy little Girls and their egg rewards are amazing :-D
    You did a perfect job with this creation :-D xoxoxox

    1. Thank you so much Ike, I'm so pleased everyone likes my concept and the story behind it :0)

  6. Your egg is amazing Leigh, love the wishbone as a stand!

  7. this egg blows my socks off! every time i see one of your little works of art i feel like another creative door just creaked open in my brain.

    1. Thank you so much Holly, to know that I've inspired you is the greatest compliment an artist can receive :0)

  8. Fabulous statement piece, Leigh! Love your stamping and coloring and that wishbone stand is inspired! xxD


Thank you for visiting and leaving us some love, your comments are always most appreciated!
Happy Stamping!
Leigh S-B